StarkWare recently announced the creation of a new Cairo Verifier in collaboration with Herodotus, which will enable developers to create highly customizable L3 appchains on Starknet soon.
Learn more about the Cairo Verifier, why we need it, and how the verifier is technically implemented with Raz, Product Manager at StarkWare, and Marcello, CTO of Herodotus.
Raz Landau:
Hello to everyone watching us at home. I can’t see how many people are there. I see a message from Lezun, or Lizan, I don’t know how to pronounce it. But I can see [inaudible 00:00:34] and Devora. Devora is in the background monitor in the chat. And we are here to talk about the Cairo Verifier. Very exciting. But first of all, maybe Marcello, you want to introduce yourself? Nice. A hundred people watching.